europe 706 crypto positive

The Zuger Kantonalbank is the first cantonal bank in Switzerland to offer customers direct access to Bitcoin, Ether and other crypto-assets. The bank is partnering with Sygnum to launch trading and storage of crypto-assets immediately, allowing them to take the lead among cantonal banks. Customers will have access to the crypto-world without leaving their usual interfaces, as traditional and digital assets will be available in the same place. The bank is offering six crypto-currencies, including Bitcoin, Ether, Ripple, Polygon, Litecoin and Uniswap. Trading orders can be placed during normal service hours, with a minimum threshold of 200 US dollars. The transactions will be processed in US dollars, not Swiss francs. This is an important step for the Swiss crypto-ecosystem, as other banks are planning similar offers for 2024.

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Information Details
Geography Europe
Countries 🇨🇭
Sentiment positive
Relevance Score 8
People Sygnum, Swisscom, PostFinance, LUKB
Companies Swisscom, PostFinance, LUKB, Zuger Kantonalbank, Sygnum
Currencies Ethereum, XRP, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Polygon
Securities None

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