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Consumers in Switzerland can find advantageous consumer loans by using online comparison sites such as,, and These platforms provide a comparison of different loan offers from banks and other lenders, displaying information on interest rates, fees, and other conditions.It is important for individuals to carefully review the terms and conditions of the loan, as well as any potential fees. They should also consider their creditworthiness, as this can affect the interest rates they are offered. Negotiating lower interest rates with lenders may be possible for those with good credit.When taking out a consumer loan, it is crucial to be aware of the risks involved. High interest rates, overindebtedness, and the potential loss of assets if collateral has been provided are some of the risks to consider. Longer loan terms increase the risk of not being able to meet the repayment budget, especially in the event of unexpected circumstances such as accidents, separation, or unemployment.Early repayment of a consumer loan is generally allowed, although some lenders may charge fees for doing so. However, no interest can be charged on the remaining amount repaid early.Refinancing a loan with a more affordable lender can be beneficial, especially when there is a high remaining loan amount and a long duration. To refinance an existing loan, individuals can request a final statement from their current lender and submit a loan application to a new financial institution. If the application is accepted, the existing loan can be terminated at the chosen month-end, and the remaining balance can be repaid with the new loan.Aside from bank consumer loans, there are alternative options such as installment payments or saving for planned expenses. Increasing an existing mortgage on a property may also be an interesting option, as the interest rates are usually lower than those of consumer loans. However, credit card payments should be avoided due to high default interest rates. Borrowers may also consider digital credit platforms like or as alternatives to traditional banks.In summary, it is important for individuals to be well-informed about the requirements for a successful loan application. The duration of a consumer loan can vary, with 12 to 60 months being common. However, it is recommended to opt for loans with a duration of up to 36 months for better oversight. Interest rates for consumer loans depend on various factors, including the individual’s creditworthiness.

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People Pascal Pfister
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