global 715 crypto negative
Inferno Drainer, a notorious crypto wallet-draining kit, has announced its permanent shutdown after aiding phishing scammers in stealing approximately $70 million worth of cryptocurrency this year. The team behind Inferno Drainer expressed gratitude to their users but stated that nothing lasts forever. While the files and infrastructure required to run the wallet drainer will remain active for a smooth transition to other services, the affiliate Telegram account used for arranging the service has been deleted. Inferno Drainer gained prominence earlier this year and became more popular after Monkey Drainer shut down. Similar to its counterparts, Inferno offered wallet-draining software and took a 20% cut of the stolen funds. According to analytics from Scam Sniffer, Inferno Drainer has stolen nearly $70 million from over 100,000 victims, although the team claims the amount is over $80 million. CertiK, a blockchain security firm, described Inferno Drainer as one of the most damaging phishing kits to the community. While Inferno Drainer has ceased operations, other active providers, such as Pink Drainer and Angel Drainer, continue to pose a threat. Monkey Drainer, another prominent crypto drainer, shut down earlier this year, citing the need to move on to something better.

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Information Details
Geography Global
Sentiment negative
Relevance Score 1
People None
Companies Inferno Drainer, Pink Drainer, Monkey Drainer, CertiK, Scam Sniffer
Currencies None
Securities None

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