europe 706 crypto neutral 1
Bitcoin core developers have been engaged in a heated debate over improvement proposals (BIPs) to address issues with the protocol. At a recent panel in Bitcoin Amsterdam, developers Paul Sztorc and Peter Todd clashed over Sztorc’s work on Drivechains. Sztorc’s LayerTwo Labs has been working on BIP-300 for six years, advocating for the creation of layer two sidechains to solve problems without changing the base layer of the Bitcoin protocol. The debate highlighted the challenge of reaching a consensus on BIPs that could enhance the functionality of the Bitcoin protocol. Jameson Lopp, co-founder and CTO of Bitcoin custody firm Casa, expressed his concern about the slow pace of improvements and protocol changes. However, he believes that recent projects like BitVM and SpiderChain, along with proposed soft forks, could benefit the protocol’s future. Lopp emphasized the importance of enabling functionality that improves Bitcoin’s ability to be a cryptographic accumulator and supports second layers. He also noted that a lack of consensus on base layer improvements could lead to bolt-on solutions. Lopp warned that if Bitcoin doesn’t continue to scale, users may resort to using custodians and exchanges, which would undermine the decentralized nature of the cryptocurrency.

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Information Details
Geography Europe
Countries 🇳🇱
Sentiment neutral
Relevance Score 1
People Jameson Lopp, Peter Todd, Paul Sztorc
Companies Bitcoin custody firm Casa, LayerTwo Labs, SpiderChain, aka custodians and exchanges, BitVM, Lightning Network, Bitcoin banks
Currencies Bitcoin
Securities None

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