europe 705 crypto neutral
The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is collaborating with central banks in Europe to develop a data-gathering platform called Project Atlas. This platform will combine off-chain and on-chain data to create novel statistics and vet existing information. It will track and estimate the flow of digital assets across specific geographic locations. The Deutsche Bundesbank and De Nederlandsche Bank are key contributors to the project, as well as the Bank of France and the European Central Bank.Project Atlas has found that the identified flows between crypto exchanges have been relatively small compared to on-chain traffic, but are “significant and substantial economically.” The country location is not always discernible for crypto exchanges, and attribution data are incomplete and possibly not perfectly accurate. Therefore, the flows should be regarded as a lower-bound estimate of the actual size.

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Information Details
Geography Europe
Countries 🇩🇪 🇳🇱 🇫🇷
Sentiment neutral
Relevance Score 8
People Bank of France, European Central Bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, De Nederlandsche Bank
Companies European Central Bank, Bank of International Settlements, Bank of France, Deutsche Bundesbank, De Nederlandsche Bank
Currencies None
Securities None

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