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JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon believes that artificial intelligence (AI) could be applied to every single process of the firm’s operations and may even replace humans in certain roles. In an interview with Bloomberg, Dimon said he expects to see “all different types of models” and tools and technology for AI in the future. He added that AI could be used for tasks such as error detection, trading, hedging, research, customer service, and idea generation. Dimon also acknowledged that AI could replace some jobs, but he stressed that technology has always done so. He believes that technology has done “unbelievable things for mankind” and that it could lead to people living to 100 and not having cancer. However, Dimon is also concerned about “AI being used by bad people to do bad things”, particularly in cyberspace. He is hopeful that legal guardrails will curtail such conduct over time. In the event that the firm replaces its employees with AI, Dimon hopes they will be able to redeploy displaced workers in more suitable work environments. He said that the firm expects to be able to get them a job somewhere local in a different branch or a different function.

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Information Details
Geography North America
Sentiment neutral
Relevance Score 8
People Bloomberg, Dimon, JPMorgan CEO, children, Jamie Dimon
Companies Bloomberg, Google, CryptoSlate, AI Eye, JPMorgan
Currencies None
Securities None

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