Coinbase IPO could lead to re-valuation of exchange tokens

Binance is the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange with daily volumes averaging $20B+. Its competitors include Coinbase and Kraken, though Binance is by far the market leader for spot and derivative activity. BNB is their exchange token and has gained some attention recently. There are various ways to buy cryptoassets, an ETP is an option amongst […]

Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP-1559) Could Launch Soon

The Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP-1559) is a proposal for the Ethereum Protocol, which aims to solve the high transaction fees and inflation of Ether (ETH). According to industry insiders the controversial upgrade could be launched as soon as July. Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559 has been the most talked-about upgrade for the network since ETH 2.0 […]

Rupertus Rothenhäuser on why every bank will need a crypto asset strategy

We live in an age of digital disruption that has accelerated over the last year. Central banks are unleashing record levels of monetary stimulus, while technology continues to rapidly reshape our global economy. Thoughts on the future of digital assets by Rupertus Rothenhäuser. It has shown us that conventional thinking will not bring the answers […]

Majority of Finance Executives Not Considering Bitcoin Investment For Now

Most finance executives are not interested in Bitcoin as a corporate investment according to a recently published survey by the U.S. research firm Gartner. The reason for this among most respondents is the high volatility of the crypto asset. Although a growing number of tech companies have invested in Bitcoin in recent months, many executives do not […]

DeFi unleashes a wave of innovation in finance

Innovations of blockchain-based banking have recently gained a lot of traction. The architecture of decentralized finance (DeFi) can create an immutable and highly interoperable financial system with unprecedented transparency, equal access rights, and little need for custodians. The St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank has recently published an in-depth paper by Prof. Fabian Schär on the sector of […]

Mastercard Accepts Individual Crypto Currencies as a Means of Payment

Credit card company Mastercard announced this week that they will accept “select crypto currencies” as payment. Their focus will primarily be on centralized stable-coins and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), not Bitcoin & Co. According to the company, there is no denying that digital assets are taking on an increasingly important role as a means of payment. […]

Crypto Valley Roundup – Start of the year 2021

The Crypto Valley is known to be one of the most “crypto-friendly” regions in the world. But what specifically is happening within the Blockchain ecosystem? The “Crypto Valley Roundup” aims to provide insight and highlights from selected events every two months. With the first Blockchain companies settling in the area of Zug from 2013 onwards, […]